Since working with the public who have specific, urgent needs is often exhausting, one area of emotional replenishment can be the camaraderie and support groups employees can form. Whereas people do make friends with certain people they find common interests or backgrounds with, the overall office or company environment can still be one that is cold, not inviting or nurturing. The camaraderie, if the object of it is to create a nourishing environment that gives the employees lots of energy, needs to be all inclusive. To like some and dislike other equals ZERO – the positive and negative energies cancel themselves out, leaving the staff uninspired, exhausted.
Why would employees go out of their way to create a warm, inviting company environment that includes all?
Once a worker understands that wearing a smile, giving a helping hand, just feeling warmly toward everyone is healthy and energizing for him or her as well, they begin to behave in a more nurturing way. The more they give, behave in a caring manner, the more it is reflected back. This then creates an upward cycle of positive energy which becomes infectious and addictive. Their interactions with the public are transformed, as their warm, friendly manner, also brings out the best response from the people they serve. They go home feeling energized rather than exhausted. They stay healthier, make less mistakes, stay on the job, and overall become much more productive.