Infants getting air, food and water conditionally is an absurd concept in the 21st century. Think about it! As infants we are given love unconditionally because that is what nature intended. Emotionally healthy adults give to their infants instinctively. The fact is that we absolutely continue to need it throughout our lifetime. Just ask ANY adult!
Every human being must master the ability to love unconditionally in order to reach their optimal potential, claim inner peace and feel satisfied with life. This requires a total re-education about what love is and what love is for. Only then can people experience rich, close, nurturing relationships with themselves and others.
When asked, many of your clients may say, “I know that love is nourishment.” Most of us also know what a spaceship is but that does not mean we know how to fly one. The concept, “love is nourishment”, has far reaching implications for our behavior toward self and others. The reason we know that people do not understand what “love is nourishment” means is because otherwise they would be treating themselves and others unconditionally. To apply the concept “love is nourishment” takes study and the right tools.
Experts in the ‘love business’ often advise people to do small self-caring tasks, which might help them feel a little better about themselves, but are mere Band Aids. These small tasks will never transform conditional relationships into unconditional ones and although it beats doing nothing, pain will continue to be a part of even relatively good relationships.
Then what do we do to transform and really feel better? The answer is teaching your clients what “love is nourishment” means and the tools that will help them start behaving unconditionally toward themselves and others.