Personal Development Awareness
The following are excerpts from Stefan Deutsch’s forthcoming book – I Know You Love Me (more on the THDC BOOKS)
There are 3 types of awareness can be developed in an orderly, sequential manner in every human being. First, you are born with an innate awareness of what is going on inside of you—hunger, tiredness, discomfort, gas, fear, wanting to be held, etc. Second is the development of your awareness of the world around you, with knowledge passed on from adults. Letters, numbers, names of objects, causality and consequences—all are taught to you. Finally, you need to be trained to become aware of what is going on inside another person. An awareness of the world around you is much easier to obtain then an awareness of what another person feels. The tangible world is visible, whereas understanding the experience of another person requires that you connect it with what is going on inside of you. Read more on personal development awareness...